发布时间:2023-09-13        阅读量:











2006.09-2010.07 天津师范大学 应用心理学 获得学士学位

2011.09-2014.07 北京体育大学 应用心理学 获得硕士学位

2014.09-2018.01 北京师范大学 基础心理学 获得博士学位


2018/04 - 2020/09 北京师范大学 中国基础教育质量监测协同创新中心 博士后丨助理研究员

2020/09 - 2023/06 37000cm威尼斯 体育科学研究院 博士后丨助理研究员

2023/07 - 至今 37000cm威尼斯 体育教育学院 讲师







1. 上海哲学社会科学规划教育学青年课题:中小员工体育课堂学习投入模型的建构与实践应用,2022.02-2026.01,6万元,主持

2. 中国博士后基金面上资助:结构化技能教学对员工体质健康促进效益的剂量化研究,2018.09-2020.04,5万元,主持

3. 上海市人民政府决策咨询研究项目(教育政策专项):全面加强和改进新时代上海学校体育工作的团队支撑体系建设,2021.05-2024.06,20万元,参与

4. 上海体育局委托横向课题:体教融合背景下本市区级体校改革发展调研方案,2021.04—2022.10,5万元,参与

5. 上海体育局委托横向课题:上海市区级少年儿童业余体育学校改革发展的实施意见,2021.04—2022.10,5万元,参与

6. 国家社会科学基金重点项目:提升校园体育活动对员工体质健康促进效益的研究(项目编号:18ATY008),2018.06-2023.02,35万元,参与


1. 唐炎,马晓.身体活动强度视角下的体育学习投入模型及其学段差异[J].成都体育学院学报,2023,49(02):1-9.DOI:10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.02.001. (通讯作者,CSSCI, JST, 核心期刊, AMI)

2. 马晓, 梁坤, 胡小清, 唐炎. 体-智融合课程:基本原理、域外经验与本土建议[J].上海体育学院学报, 2022,46(05):56-67.(CSSCI, JST,核心期刊)

3. Liang, K.,·Ma, X., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, B. G., Xin, F., Yuan, Q., Zhang, D. Y., Chen, R. G., Yan, T. (2022). A Pilot Movement Integrity with Intelligent Play Program (MIIP): Efects on Math Performance and Enjoyment for Preschoolers in China. Child & Youth Care Forum, doi.org/10.1007/s10566-022-09707-8(SCI期刊)

4. 马晓, 唐炎. 国外小学体智融合教学学业效益研究的方法学问题探析[J].体育科学, 2021,41(06):87-97. (CSSCI, JST,核心期刊)

5. Xin, F., Zhu, Z., Chen, S., Chen, H., Hu, X., Ma, X., Liang, K., Liu, Y., Wang, L., Cai, Y., Chen, A., & Tang, Y. (2021). Prevalence and correlates of meeting the muscle-strengthening exercise recommendations among Chinese children and adolescents: Results from 2019 Physical Activity and Fitness in China-The Youth Study. Journal of sport and health science, S2095-2546(21)00107-1. Advance online publication. doi.org/10.1016/j.jshs.2021.09.010(SCI期刊)

6. Zhang, Y. H., Dang, Y., He, Y. H., Ma, X., & Wang, L. D. (2021). Is private supplementary tutoring effective? a longitudinally detailed analysis of private tutoring quality in China. Asia Pacific Education Review(1), 3. doi.org/10.1007/s12564-021-09671-3. (SSCI期刊)

7. He Y. H., Zhang Y. H., Ma, X., & Wang, L. D. (2021). Does private supplementary tutoring matter? the effect of private supplementary tutoring on mathematics achievement - sciencedirect. International Journal of Educational Development, 84. doi: org/10.1016/j.ijedudev.2021.102402(SSCI期刊)

8. Zhang, Y. H., Ma, X., & Wang, L. D. (2020). The determinants of private tutoring participation for mathematics in china: focusing on the role of student metacognition. Frontiers in Psychology, 11:603. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00603(共同第一作者;SSCI期刊)

9. Wang, S., Hao, X., Ma, X., Yu, Y, & Li, Y. (2020). Associations between poor vision, vision-related behaviors and mathematics achievement in chinese students from the cnaeq-peh 2015. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(22), 8561. (SSCI期刊)

10. Yu, Y. Ma, X., Wu, L. L., Yang, Y. D., Yue, Z. Q., Shi, Y. T., Wang, S. J., & Li, Y. F. (2019). The distribution characteristics and development trend of students’ poor vision in China based on the national data of 1985-2014, CHIMICA OGGI-CHEMISTRY TODAY, 36(6), 1031-1033. (SSCI期刊)

11. Wang, Y. H., Ma X., Zhang, Y. B., Wu, L. L., Yang, Z. X., Yang, T., & Li, Y. F. (2019). Relationship of Physical Education Curriculum Implementation and Mathematics Achievement in Chinese Youth, Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 90(1): 133-140. doi: org/10.1080/02701367.2019.1603775(SSCI期刊)

12. Li, Y. F., Wang, S. J., Yu, Y., Wu, L. L., Shi, Y. T., Wu, X. W., & Ma, X., (2019) Associations among Physical Education, Activity Related Healthy Lifestyle, and Cardiorespiratory Fitness of Chinese Youth, Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 90(1):123-132. doi: 10.1080/02701367.2019.1603772(通讯作者;SSCI期刊)

13. Wu, L. L., Ma, X., Shi, Y. T., Tao S. S., Yu, Y., Wang, S. J., Liang, L., Xin, T., & Li, Y. F. (2019). China National Assessment of Education Quality - Physical Education & Health (CNAEQ-PEH) 2015: An Introduction, Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 90(1): 105-112. doi: org/10.1080/02701367.2019.1603762 (SSCI期刊)

14. 于勇,季永祺,马晓,吴莉丽,杨远都,李佑发.构建学校篮球教学内容新体系——技术运用体系研究[J].吉首大学学报(社会科学版),2018,39(S2):183-186+206. (CSSCI,核心期刊)

15. 李佑发,石雨桐,王思佳,马晓.基于核心素养的芬兰体育课程标准分析[J].体育学刊,2018,25(04):122-128.(CSSCI, JST,核心期刊, CA)


1. 《体育与健康》高职公共体育课教材(唐炎):第一章 运动与健康促进

2. 《体育心理学》(迟立忠):第七章 动作技能学习;第三章 体育教学与认知

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